Maidenhall Primary School

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Year R - Rabbit, Goldfish & Hamster

Hello and welcome to Year R!

We have 3 classes in Year R.  They are Goldfish class, Hamster class and Rabbit class. During the year we study lots of exciting topics. Please click on the links below to find out a bit more about the curriculum and your child's learning in all areas of the Early Years framework. The links set out the curriculum for your child in half-termly chunks.

Academic Year 2023-24

Autumn 1 - knowing me, knowing you 

Autumn 2 - winter is coming

Spring 1 - We could be heroes

Spring 2 - Spring Watch

Summer 1 - Under the sea & dinosaurs

Summer 2- Space & Animal Magic 

We have daily Phonics/English and Maths sessions.  Our phonics sessions following the Read Write Inc Phonics scheme.  If you want more information on it, please go to our phonics page on the website.  Snack time is a social occasion where communication and language is a particular focus.   

Please do speak to your child's teacher about any more questions you may have about the curriculum your son or daughter follows. They will be more than happy to answer your questions or point you in the right direction.